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Categories Attributes UNDRIP articles Instruments Indicator
Employment and occupation
The right to work and equality in employment and occupations Non-discrimination in employment and occupations
Art. 17.1

Indigenous individuals and peoples have the right to enjoy fully all rights established under applicable international and domestic labour law.

ILO 29 ILO 29-1

The Convention is relevant in its entirety.

Discrimination based on indigenous identity or background in respect to access to recruitment and terms and conditions of employment prohibited in national legislation (I27)

Structural indicator
Proportion of youth (aged 15-24) employed in the formal sector (I56)

Outcome indicator
Opportunity to gain a living by traditional occupation or work, which is freely chosen or accepted
Art. 20.1

Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and develop their political, economic and social systems or institutions, to be secure in the enjoyment of their own means of subsistence and development, and to engage freely in all their traditional and other economic activities.

Outmigration from indigenous communities in search of employment (I127)

Outcome indicator
Status and trends in traditional occupations (I138)

Outcome indicator
Special measures to promote employment of indigenous youth (I36)

Process indicator
WCIP para. 15
Protection against forced labour, including through special measures
Art. 17.1

Indigenous individuals and peoples have the right to enjoy fully all rights established under applicable international and domestic labour law.

Art. 17.3

Indigenous individuals have the right not to be subjected to any discriminatory conditions of labour and, inter alia, employment or salary.

National legislation penalizes forced labour and human trafficking (I113)

Structural indicator
Number of [indigenous] victims of human trafficking per 100,000 population, by sex, age and form of exploitation (I117)

Outcome indicator
SDG Indicator: 16.2.2
Incidents of forced labour (I79)

Outcome indicator
State special measures to eliminate forced labour among indigenous peoples (I8)

Process indicator